We are inviting you to attend the Missions Academy of Supernatural Ministry.
Our next academy is planned for 2025. Exact time to be announced. Please sign up to be the first to hear about the details by clicking on the button below:
Who is MASM for?
Our academy is attended by people of all ages, and spiritual maturity levels. However, generally speaking, we are inviting mature believers who have accepted the call on their lives to serve Jesus in some capacity where they are ready to take a new step into something new or step into a new level of responsibility. However we have had relatively new believers complete our academy and it was a tremendous blessing for them. Some of our students are whole families.
Church of the Living God
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Viacheslava Chornovola St, 4а.
John and Tanya Lynch grew up in Kharkov, Ukraine where they served as missionaries for several decades.
They are pastors of Fathers House Church in Kharkov, which was originally planted by Bill and Joanie Lynch in 1993.
In 2014 John completed the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry where they were called back to Ukraine to equip the saints in the supernatural.
John and Tanya are part of Go Forth Missions founded by Bill and Joanie Lynch, and are also currently serving as Bethel missionaries out of Bethel Church.
John and Tanya have a heart for mobilizing missionaries to be sent out to villages and cities of Ukraine to plant churches and also send missionaries out to other nations.
John and Tanya Lynch. Founders of MASM!
John and Tanya were children of revival that took place in the 90s in Ukraine where they first met when they were 13 years old in Grace Church planted by Bill and Joanie Lynch. John and Tanya served in youth ministry, discipleship, homegroups and led an evangelism ministry in Ukraine for 10 years, before they came to Redding, California and completed three years of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Through some bizarre confirmations to prophetic words they received, in 2014 they knew it was time to return to Ukraine and be part of the fulfillment of a long-time prophecy about Ukraine being “a bread basket to the nations.” John serves as the senior pastor of Father’s House church in Kharkiv, Ukraine and oversees a number of churches in the Kharkiv region and other cities in Ukraine. John has a passion for raising up new worship leaders and musicians who are in the process of birthing new songs that will reverberate throughout nations of the former Soviet Union. Since they returned to Kharkov, in 2014 a ministry to the poor called Love in Action was birthed, and today it is functioning in three different cities around Ukraine.
John and Tanya have always had a burden to reach the poor with the good news and love and power of the gospel, and they started a tradition of organizing annual Feasts of Love around Christmas time for the homeless and the poor, where people get blessed in extravagant ways. They are passionate about equipping people in the supernatural, activating people in prophecy, healing and other gifts of the Spirit. They burn with a vision of raising up leaders to be missionaries, sent out to villages, cities of Ukraine and beyond.
Currently, as a result of the war, and most of the church being scattered, they have stepped into a different role. They are currently temporarily living in the western part of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk where they are helping the local church where they organize retreats for pastors and leaders from all around Ukraine to be equipped, along with retreats for new believers and other forms of training retreats. And Ivano-Frankivsk has also become the home to MASM, the Missions Academy of Supernatural Ministry.
John’s blog: www.TheJohnLynch.com
Ministry website: www.GoForthMissions.com
John and Tanya were children of revival that took place in the 90s in Ukraine where they first met when they were 13 years old in Grace Church planted by Bill and Joanie Lynch. John and Tanya served in youth ministry, discipleship, homegroups and led an evangelism ministry in Ukraine for 10 years, before they came to Redding, California and completed three years of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Through some bizarre confirmations to prophetic words they received, in 2014 they knew it was time to return to Ukraine and be part of the fulfillment of a long-time prophecy about Ukraine being “a bread basket to the nations.” John serves as the senior pastor of Father’s House church in Kharkiv, Ukraine and oversees a number of churches in the Kharkiv region and other cities in Ukraine. John has a passion for raising up new worship leaders and musicians who are in the process of birthing new songs that will reverberate throughout nations of the former Soviet Union. Since they returned to Kharkov, in 2014 a ministry to the poor called Love in Action was birthed, and today it is functioning in three different cities around Ukraine.
John and Tanya have always had a burden to reach the poor with the good news and love and power of the gospel, and they started a tradition of organizing annual Feasts of Love around Christmas time for the homeless and the poor, where people get blessed in extravagant ways. They are passionate about equipping people in the supernatural, activating people in prophecy, healing and other gifts of the Spirit. They burn with a vision of raising up leaders to be missionaries, sent out to villages, cities of Ukraine and beyond.
Currently, as a result of the war, and most of the church being scattered, they have stepped into a different role. They are currently temporarily living in the western part of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk where they are helping the local church where they organize retreats for pastors and leaders from all around Ukraine to be equipped, along with retreats for new believers and other forms of training retreats. And Ivano-Frankivsk has also become the home to MASM, the Missions Academy of Supernatural Ministry.
John’s blog: www.TheJohnLynch.com
Ministry website: www.GoForthMissions.com
Chuck Parry’s life is marked by both faith and the miraculous. He’s seen the dead raised, food multiplied, storms move out of the way, the supply of heaven released through supernatural finances, and countless people healed and their lives transformed. His passion is to see everyone come fully alive and walk out their heavenly purposes, bringing glory to Jesus, who paid the price. He carries and releases the Joy of the Lord everywhere he goes. Searching for spiritual reality, Chuck was determined to meet the Imaginer and Designer of the Universe, and in a cabin in the mountains of Colorado in 1972, he had a personal encounter with Jesus and surrendered to Him. He met his first Christian believers in a Holy Ghost prayer meeting in a village of 400 people, where he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and discipled in the truths of the Bible.
A church-planting pastor in Colorado for 20 years, Chuck is now the Director of Bethel Healing Rooms in Redding, CA. His vision is for creating open heaven Communities where believers live to honor the very real presence of God among us and within us, according to His word, coming together in love and seeing miracles break out. He is the author of the books Free Falling – True Stories of One Man’s Leap Into the Miraculous, and Alignment – Live a Life of Miracles. Married since 1977, Chuck and his wife Linda have three children and five grandchildren.
When they’re not traveling Dr. Brian and Lorena live in Redding, California where they attend Bethel Church and serve in the Healing Rooms.
Brian studied at Fuller Theological Seminary, Vanguard University, and later Studied for his Doctorate of Ministry at Westminster Theological Seminary.
Wherever Brian and Lorena go, they carry the tangible joy and a powerful anointing for healing. We are so thrilled that they will be with us this year!
From Brian and Lorena:
For the past forty years, our journey has involved planting churches on three continents, training hundreds of missionaries and pastors, and having fun doing it! Our hearts are deeply committed to preaching the gospel, teaching the Word, praying for the sick, and encouraging the Church! We have a passion to see the lost come into a relationship with Jesus Christ and desire to see the Church equipped to reach the world. Happily married for over forty years, we are blessed with five remarkable children and seven beautiful grandchildren.
Soon after Isaac and Hannah were married in 2003 they moved to Mexico and began working with Freedom Ministries under the leadership of Brother David Hogan. They lived and served there for almost 20 years. In mid 2022, they felt the Father asked them to come back to the United States, to put down roots, and to begin cultivating back into the Earth the many lessons they had learned over the previous two decades in ministry. Leaving Mexico was the hardest thing they ever had to do, but the presence and grace of Jesus led them back to call Alabama their home again. It is there they launched Vival Ministries in 2023 and established a home for both life and ministry. From that place of rest, they continue to travel as they preach, teach, and train the family of the beloved. They have three amazing sons: Landon, Luke, and Judd. When Isaac teaching and shares his heart, people step into new levels of intimacy with Jesus and they carry a powerful revelation of cultivating the one most important, lifegiving connection we have, our connection with Jesus! Isaac has also been a tremendous resource for our pastors who serve around Ukraine, in consulting and encouraging other leaders.
Isaac and Hannahs’ website: https://www.vival.life/
Our dear friend was born in Ukraine in humble settings milking cows. Never did she imagine she would later become a missionary to China and serve with the underground church and plant several churches during her 11 years of serving in China.
Currently she serves as a chaplain near the southern frontlines of the war in Ukraine, and she also leads a thriving ministry for children in three villages.
She is often invited to teach on missions work, and to train people how to do missions work in closed countries.
She is one of the most on-fire we have ever met, and she is passionate about Jesus and bringing the love and power of the gospel to people, not matter what the cost, no matter what the danger.
We are so honored that once again she will be teaching in our academy!
Our dear brother Daniel has a very unusual story, and is a rare and mostly hidden treasure in the body of Christ. When he’s not traveling he spends half of his time in Israel and half in the USA. Last time he was in Ukraine he made an incredible impact on our students, and we are so honored that he will once again be teaching in our academy. He has an unusual prophetic gift, and has a heart to serve and pray for people one-on-one no matter how long it takes. He has an incredible passion and calling to prayer, and a mantle of seeing nations transformed. He travels extensively around the world to speak to executives of companies, universities, churches, associations and mission organizations. He immigrated from Korea to USA at 9 years old.
He is a trained Cross-cultural Psychiatrist.
He Served as Dean of the Global Leadership Development Institute
Has served on the Adjunct Faculty at the University of the Nations, 2006-present
He teaches on topics such as:
Identity and Leadership development,
prayer and revival movements, and
healing and destiny of nations of the 21st century.
Him and his family have been on a special prayer tour around the world, where they spent time in: North Korea, Israel, Japan, Australia, Iraq, Ukraine and India.
Main topics that will be covered:
We give our guest speakers much freedom in what they share, depending on what the Holy Spirit is doing, but here some of the main topics focused on:
- Ministry in the gifts of the Spirit (prophecy, hearing Gods voice, healing, deliverance) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link List Item 3- Finances, building a support base, and similar topics Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link List Item 4- Family and ministry Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link- How to plant churches Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link-Church growth, church leadership and multiplication Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link- Power evangelism (applying gifts of healing and prophetic gifts in evangelism) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkIf you would like to support the scholarship fund for our academy (to help more pastors and future missionaries attend, who otherwise cannot afford to attend) then use this link to give: